3 Elements of Standing To Sue in Florida

If you’ve been injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another person or entity in Florida, you may be wondering whether you have standing to sue. In order to bring a lawsuit in Florida court, you must meet certain requirements, and one of these is having standing to sue. Here are the 3 key… read more

Personal Injury Settlements: Myths vs. Reality

Thousands of personal injury claims settle every day. The odds are good that someone is signing a settlement agreement even as you read these words. Myths abound, however, concerning the process of settlement. It is best to dispel these myths before you ever file a claim. Following is a list of common myths and an… read more

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Still Seeking Justice for Client Struck By a Bus

Last year, we wrote an article about our client, Ms. Maria Garcia, who was struck by a Pinellas County School Bus while walking to her job in February 2019. The collision left our client with catastrophic injuries and extensive damages. She spent two long months in Bayfront Hospital’s Trauma Center.  Ms. Garcia sustained injuries to… read more

Understanding Assumption of Risk

In a personal injury case, the defense might raise one or more defenses to avoid liability for damages. Assumption of risk is an affirmative defense an at-fault party might use to avoid liability for damages. How Does Assumption of Risk Apply in Personal Injury Claims? When a person sustains an injury or harm because of… read more

What Is Res Ipsa Loquitur?

Res ipsa loquitur is a rule of evidence that allows the plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit to prove that the defendant was negligent without direct proof that the defendant was at fault. It is useful in many cases because, under certain circumstances, it is obvious that negligence was involved in an injury, yet impossible… read more

How Long Does It Take To Get a Personal Injury Settlement Check in Florida? 

If you suffered a personal injury, you may be anxious to get the money you need for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other accident-related losses. However, settling your case quickly is not always best, as you might be leaving money on the table you could desperately use.  We explain below what you can expect… read more

How Many Years Is Law School?

Law school has a reputation as one of the toughest educational programs in our country. But how much do you really know about law school? How long does it take, and what degree do lawyers have when they come out the other side? The term “law school” can be a little generic and misleading when… read more

The Inside Scoop on How Insurance Companies Will Fight Your Personal Injury Claim in Florida

Insurance companies are businesses whose ultimate purpose is to make as much money as they can. The way the insurance industry is structured gives them a disincentive to offer you a fair personal injury settlement. Instead, they will deny or minimize your claim if they can. Following is a description of some of their most… read more

When Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Suffering injuries after an accident can be traumatic and life-altering. Victims in serious accidents carry the burden of their injuries along with financial losses and emotional distress. If a victim seeks to recover from insurance, adjusters at these companies can be another contributing factor to a victim’s stress following their accident.  Insurance claims adjusters seek… read more

IV Infiltration Can Cause Nerve Damage, Burns, or Amputation

At some point in their lives, most people will need to get an IV. Whether for serious medical reasons or to receive IV therapy, IVs are common and serve many important purposes. IV insertion can be tricky and challenging, but you trust that trained medical professionals will do it properly. However, on some occasions, physicians… read more