Is It Possible to Get Out of Jury Duty?

Jury duty — it’s the punchline to a joke and an unenviable task that many Americans dread. But at the same time, it’s also a central pillar of our justice system, and it plays a vital role in ensuring that the rights of the accused, the plaintiff, and the defendant are protected.  Each party deserves… read more

Basic Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket?

Being injured by another party can be devastating for the victim and their family. In addition to the physical and emotional damage caused by an accident, the victim can incur substantial financial losses and expenses. Recovering fair compensation for an accident claim is essential for victims trying to put their lives back together after an… read more

Do You Qualify to Sue for Wrongful Death?

Losing a loved one is painful, especially when the death is unexpected or traumatic. It’s even worse when it could have been avoided altogether. If someone’s negligence caused the death, it’s normal for the family to want to hold them accountable. Wrongful death claims allow a grieving family to do that. These lawsuits force negligent… read more

My Attorney Screwed Up My Case…What Are My Rights?

Have you been injured in a car accident, slip and fall accident, or similar accident? Such events can leave you facing medical bills, lost wages, and related struggles. You can seek compensation for these losses in many instances. How you go about recovering compensation will depend on several factors. For example, if you were involved… read more

Tattoo Infections: Information on Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments

A tattoo should be a work of body art that expresses something about your unique identity. It should not be something that causes you harm. Unfortunately, getting a tattoo can involve risks. For example, tattoo infections are fairly common. In many instances, these infections are minor. They may cause nothing more than minimal discomfort and… read more

Breaking Down Attorney-Client Privilege: What it Means and How it Can Affect Your Case In Florida

When you meet with a Clearwater personal injury attorney, does everything you say remain confidential? Most personal injury lawyers offer free, confidential consultations. However, what prevents the attorney from disclosing information learned during the meeting? What is Privileged Information in a Florida Personal Injury Case? Privileged information is information that cannot be disclosed without consent…. read more

How to Write a Settlement Demand Letter in Florida

If you were injured in an accident in Florida, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills and other losses. You can pursue compensation by filing a claim with an insurance company in most instances. The specific insurance company you work with will depend on the nature of your accident. For instance,… read more

How Much Does a Lawyer Cost in Tampa?

There are various reasons you may consider hiring an attorney at some point in your life. However, some people who could benefit from legal representation are reluctant to seek it—they fear that a lawyer’s fees will be too costly. This is understandable, but hiring a lawyer can be much less expensive than you might think… read more

What Are the Top 5 Reasons a Personal Injury Lawyer Might Not Take My Case?

Lawyers decline representation for many reasons. Most of these reasons have nothing to do with you, personally.  The lawyer might have ethical conflicts that prevent them from representing you. It might just not make financial sense for the attorney to take your case. Other times, an attorney might decline to represent you because you don’t… read more

Highest Paid Types Of Lawyers: Must Read

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the job outlook for lawyers will grow four percent from 2019 to 2029. That is about as fast as average for job growth compared to other industries. The median pay for an attorney as of 2020 was $126,930 per year or $61.03 per hour. The American… read more