Brandon Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you been hurt in an accident in Brandon, Florida? If you have sustained an injury because someone else acted negligently, you may have the right to seek compensation. Contacting a Brandon personal injury lawyer from Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers will give you the best chance of securing financial recovery. 

At Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers, we are proud to be able to say that we’re experts in personal injury law. Our founding partners are both Board Certified in Civil Trial by Florida Bar Association. Collectively, they have 75 years of experience representing injury victims and their families – recovering more than $100 Million in settlements and verdicts on their behalves.

Having our Brandon personal injury attorneys in your corner can take your pursuit of compensation to the next level.

Contact our Brandon legal team to schedule a no-cost legal consultation at (813) 686-7588. We are always standing by to help you get started.

How Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After an Accident in Brandon, Florida

Our firm has a long history of winning for our clients. Since 1996, we have secured hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for personal injury victims. Our knowledge, tenacity, and experience are the reasons why uncooperative insurance companies don’t want you to call Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers. 

When you hire a knowledgeable personal injury attorney in Brandon, FL, you can expect a range of expert legal services. 

These include:

  • A comprehensive investigation into the causes for your accident and injuries
  • Contact with personal injury experts, if required by the case
  • Open and transparent communication
  • A convincing legal case supported by relevant evidence and powerful legal reasoning
  • Unyielding negotiations with insurance providers
  • The strength to reject insufficient settlement offers
  • Trusted legal strategies to win the maximum amount of financial recovery in your case
  • A willingness to file a personal injury lawsuit, if the negotiation process fails

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers boasts a team of Brandon personal injury attorneys that are ready to build a strong legal case for you. We are familiar with the strategies that tight-fisted insurance companies use, and we know how to effectively beat them. Contact us today for a free consultation.

How Common Are Accidents in Hillsborough County, FL?

How Common Are Accidents in Hillsborough County, FL?

Nationwide, Florida has one of the highest traffic fatality rates per capita. In 2019, there were over 3,000 reported traffic collision fatalities. Another 250,000 car crashes resulted in non-fatal injuries in the same year. 

Hillsborough County was the home to a lot of these tragic accidents. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were 29,156 accidents across Brandon and in nearby towns in Hillsborough County. Those accidents resulted in 219 deaths and another 19,803 non-fatal injuries.

Our Brandon, FL Personal Injury Practice Areas

At Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team is capable of winning any type of personal injury case. No set of circumstances is too complex. No case is too difficult. Our knowledgeable personal injury lawyers in Brandon are ready to fight to get you the money that you need and deserve. 

We have a long history of securing compensation for victims in the following types of cases: 

Sadly, sometimes accidents result in the death of the injured person. If your family has lost a loved one in any type of accident, let us help. Our personal injury law firm has extensive of experience in helping families seek compensation in wrongful death cases. 

No amount of compensation will bring your loved one back, but you should not face these financial burdens on your own. Burial, funeral, and other end-of-life costs can be covered by the compensation from a wrongful death claim. If you have lost a family member in an accident, contact Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers as soon as possible.

How Much Can I Expect to Recover in My Personal Injury Case?

How Much Can I Expect to Recover in My Personal Injury Case?

Every accident is the result of a unique combination of causes and conditions. In other words, the relevant factors in each personal injury case are distinct. Because of this, there is no standardized value for a personal injury settlement or verdict. Legal experience is necessary to accurately calculate how much you should expect in a given case. 

When assessing the value of your personal injury claim, our attorneys will consider the following factors:

  • The nature and extent of your injuries
  • The location, circumstances, and causes of your accident
  • The severity and physical impacts of your injuries
  • Your current and future medical expenses
  • The nature and extent of any property damage
  • The impact of your injuries on your daily life and activities
  • The amount of responsibility that you bear (if any) for causing your accident

In most cases, more severe injuries make it possible to secure higher amounts of compensation. But there are exceptions to this rule. As we mentioned before, each personal injury case is unique. 

The most reliable way to accurately assess the value of your claim is to consult with an experienced attorney. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers will happily examine the circumstances of your accident and calculate the value of your injury. We have the knowledge and experience to effectively argue for maximum compensation in your case.

What Damages Are Available Following an Accident in Brandon, Florida?

What Damages Are Available Following an Accident in Brandon, Florida?

After an accident, injured victims are typically able to recover compensatory damages. There are two major categories of compensatory damages in the context of Florida tort law. These two categories are known as economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are awarded to victims in order to compensate for specific monetary losses. This type of damage is usually easy to calculate through the use of bills, receipts, and other financial documentation.

Some of the most common examples of economic damages include: 

  • The costs of medical care and treatment­, both at the present and in the future
  • Lost wages and decreased income
  • Disability
  • Permanently decreased earning potential­ for victims who have suffered long-term disabilities
  • Burial, funeral, and end-of-life costs in wrongful death cases

These types of economic damages can be reliably tracked through the documentation of charges and payments. It is important to note that projecting the future costs and expenses related to an injjruy can, many times, be challenging. It is important to work with attorneys who understand this process well and who have access to reliable experts and professionals to ensure that all of your non-economic damages – present and future – are valued properly.

Non-Economic Damages

However, some of the losses from an injury are difficult to calculate in terms of dollars and cents. Non-economic damages are awarded to compensate for the losses in which it is difficult to assign a dollar value. While it can be complicated to allocate a monetary value to non-economic damages, they are very real losses. Victims deserve compensation for this type of harm.

The following are common examples of non-economic damages:

  • Emotional and psychological trauma, such as panic, stress, or anxiety
  • Pain and suffering
  • Inability to enjoy life, including an inability to engage in recreational or other daily activities
  • Loss of relationship or loss of consortium, such as the loss of a loved one in a wrongful death case

Personal injury victims deserve financial compensation for both the economic and non-economic damages from their accident.

Punitive Damages

In rare cases, juries may award what are called “punitive damages.” This type of damages is primarily intended to punish the at-fault party in a personal injury lawsuit. Punitive damages are only relevant in instances in which the liable party has behaved in an especially reckless or deplorable manner. 

Note, Florida caps punitive awards at three times the value of related compensatory awards or $500,000 – whichever is greater.

Don’t face the massive costs of your accident and injury alone. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is fully prepared to effectively represent your interests against uncooperative insurance providers and other negligent parties.

What If I’ve Been Blamed for an Accident in Florida?

Being blamed for someone else’s injuries is a highly nerve-racking experience. While almost no one causes an accident intentionally, sometimes events unfold in ways that leave you vulnerable to liability. 

If you have been accused of causing an accident, you can recover compensation as long as you aren’t more at fault than the other party. Florida operates under a modified comparative fault rule. In simple terms, it means liability extends only to the degree to which you share blame. And, as long as you don’t share more than 50% of the responsibility, you can still seek damages for your injuries.  

Consider the following example. Imagine that you bear 10% of the responsibility for an accident in Brandon, Florida. The damages from your accident are determined to be $100,000. In this case, you would only be able to obtain 90% of the financial recovery from your accident. In other words, you could potentially recover $90,000. If you’d been assigned 51% of the blame, you’d recover nothing.

If you have been blamed for an accident, contact a legal professional as soon as possible. The skilled personal injury lawyers at Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers will work hard to decrease your legal liability and maximize your financial recovery. 

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After an Accident on the Gulf Coast of Florida?

In Florida, the statute of limitations on the majority of personal injury cases is now two years. Florida law used to give accident victims four years to file. However, on March 24, 2023, the deadline was shortened – meaning accidents happening after that date are subject to the two-year limitation.

The statute of limitations may vary in certain cases, however. For instance, if you are in an accident and do not initially realize you are injured, the amount of time that you have to file a claim may change. There could also be circumstances that give you less – and not more – time to file. For instance, if you suspect a government agency is responsible, you will have a matter of months – not years – to act.

Because there can be exceptions, you should speak with a skilled Brandon personal injury attorney to review the circumstances of your case.

What is Negligence and How Does it Relate to My Personal Injury Case?

As we mentioned above, most accidents and resulting injuries are not caused intentionally. Therefore, most personal injury cases require the claimant to prove that the at-fault party was negligent.

The legal standard of negligence requires the claimant (or their lawyer) to prove the following:

  • Duty of Care: The victim must prove that the responsible party owed them a duty of care. In the context of a car accident, the at-fault party had the responsibility to drive in a lawful and safe manner.
  • Breach of Duty: The claimant must show that the responsible party breached the duty of care­. In a car accident, they may have driven recklessly or while distracted. 
  • Injury or Damage: The responsible party’s negligent actions caused some damage or harm to the claimant. 
  • Causation: The responsible party’s negligent behavior is the direct and proximate cause of the harm that came to the claimant.

If another person’s negligent actions have resulted in harm or damage to you, contact our personal injury law firm, serving Brandon, FL and surrounding areas on the Gulf Coast.

What Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Alachua County?

The short answer is that there are zero upfront costs when you hire Brandon personal injury lawyer. The legal team at Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers operates through contingency fee agreements. When we represent you, we’re so confident that we’ll win your case that we front all of your costs and don’t charge you for our services. 

We only get paid if we secure financial compensation in your personal injury case. You don’t pay unless we win. It’s that simple.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Brandon Personal Injury Lawyers

Have you been injured in an accident in Brandon, Florida? Contact the premier legal team at Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers. Our skilled Brandon personal injury attorneys will work hard to win the compensation that is rightfully yours. 

Don’t hesitate to secure effective legal representation in your case. Call Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers at (813) 491-8790 to schedule a free consultation. We have the experience and knowledge to get the money that you deserve.